Red meat is often wrongfully portrayed as being unhealthy. Even chicken has been getting attacked by some in the media as being environmentally unhealthy. Vegan, fish and other non-meat diets have been proposed as healthier alternatives. The result of this onslaught of negative meat messages has influenced many persons including moms and dads to drastically cut back on their meat and poultry purchases. Though perceptions may be seen as reality, yet truth triumphs over fallacies. Parents and other consumers want what is best for their health and their families. They are also aware that a lot of false information is out there and as such are open to scientific facts that can correct their misconceptions. Below are the facts: (a) The Truth About Meat 1. “ You would need to eat a massive amount of spinach to equal the iron content in steak”, says Christopher Golden, an ecologist and epidemiologist at Harvard University in Cambridge Massachusetts (A...
Health is Wealth