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All that God created is for man's benefit. He made plants and animals for food and for healing of diseases. Although the reservation some people have bothers on the efficacy and more importantly,  safe and ideal dosage.However, testimonies abound on the wonders of these God-given, natural resources in terms of their healing potential and potency. Here's one of such testimonies:

Good afternoon my lovely brothers and sisters in the house.  I will like to share with you a discovery I have just made.  I visited a family friend who was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer late last year, and was thrilled and exceedingly glad with what I saw and heard.  Too great, I cannot keep it to myself.  The cancer cells have disappeared completely, without chemical treatment.  The wife took advice from a family friend who survived cancer and introduced TUMERIC AND BLACK PEPPER into all their food and drinks. Every morning they take a cup of TUMERIC, BLACK PEPPER AND HONEY.  They add them as spice to everything that goes into their mouth.  I have since done a little bit of research myself to see if it works and found out it actually works.  The curcumin in the TUMERIC and peperine in the BLACK PEPPER KILLS CANCER CELLS FAST.  TUMERIC on its own cannot do the job, so it is important to use it together for great result.  We will not die before our time in Jesus mighty name. I also found out its good for other deadly ailments too.  TUMERIC, I understand is called ATA ILE in Yoruba language.  I am not sure what it's called in Ibo and Hausa.  Google the benefits of this natural spices, if you are doubting Thomases like me, but don't just discard this.  Holland and Barrett sells the TUMERIC supplement and you can get the fresh or powder tumeric, black pepper and pure honey in spice shops or any regular supermarket. Help yourself and your loved ones to stay healthy and age gracefully. May the Almighty God satisfy us all with long life, good health and everlasting joy in Jesus name. May we all live long to enjoy the fruits of our labour in Jesus mighty name. God bless you all and have a glorious day.

Rev'd Sade Ogundipe.
