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Coconut oil is excellent for soothing some common health problems. The majority of people use over-the- counter drugs to deal with their health issues. These drugs help, however taking natural remedies is the best option.

Coconut oil is one of the most powerful cures found in nature and it is considered a cure for all ailments including indigestion and stomach problems.

Coconut oil is rich in fatty acids which boost the brain function, increase the stamina, destroy skin infections and harmful bacteria, and improve the health in general.

The use of coconut oil comes without side effects, but it may be wise to consult a doctor prior to using it.


Coconut oil is a substance which is extracted from the meat of the coconut and it is totally natural. Over 1,500 studies have proven the beneficial and soothing properties of this oil. It contains 90 % healthy saturated fats, lauric acids and capric among others.

It works as an anti-fungal, increases the energy levels, and the liver can process it easily.


1. Cures Infections of the Skin

Coconut oil can be used topically as well as orally. It can protect the skin from fungi, nasty dust, viruses and bacteria. It effectively treats bruises and damaged tissues and also destroys throat infections, hepatitis, measles, influenza and athlete’s foot viruses. This oil is used as a cure for a number of skin disorders and can also be used as a sunscreen or moisturizer.

2. It Relieves Type 2 Diabetes
Those who suffer from type 2 diabetes are resistant to insulin, that is, their cells are not able to turn the glucose into energy because they have stopped responding to insulin.

Coconut oil is perfect for diabetics because its healthy fatty acids generate a balanced insulin reaction. Because they generate another energy source, these acids reduce the weight on the pancreas that produces insulin and similar hormones which regulate sugar.

3. Relieves Kidney and Bladder Infections

Coconut oil is really effective when it comes to kidney and urinary tract infections. The fatty acids it contains eliminate the lipid coating on bacteria, which then soothes the areas which are inflamed.

To add, coconut oil is able to flush out kidney stones, and this makes it one of the most powerful natural antibiotics.

 4. Improves the Brain Function

It has been proven than coconut oil consumption improves the function of the brain in patients suffering from a mild form of Alzheimer’s. Coconut oil is converted into ketones, which is an energy source that supplies with energy those cells that are not able to convert glucose into energy. Additionally, it has also been proven that this oil improves memory function.

  5. Prevents Hypertension and Cardiovascular Diseases

Coconut oil is rich in saturated acids and these acids have the ability to improve the levels of the good cholesterol in the body (HDL) and to make the bad cholesterol healthy. Additionally, this oil reduces the risk of a cardiovascular disease, prevents blood clots, improves the antioxidant properties and improves the health in general.

6. Maximizes Endurance

One of the top health benefits of the coconut oil is that it boost the metabolism and sustains the energy in general. Athletes use this oil to improve their performance during intense training and long-distance runs.

7. Helps Digestion

Coconut oil helps with the absorption of magnesium, calcium, vitamins and other nutrients. It reduces stomach acid and promotes healthy gut which can cause inflammation, irritable bowel syndrome or poor digestion. Actually, what kills bacteria and parasites are the antimicrobial properties of this oil.

8. Fights Parasites

Coconut oil is high in lauric acid which kills viruses, disrupts parasitic and fungal growth and kills bacteria. This oil also fights yeast infections.

9. Stops Teeth Decay

Coconut oil helps in the absorption of calcium, and in this way helps preventing decay of the teeth. There is also a very beneficial technique, known as oil pulling, which reduces the risk of developing a gum disease and kills bacteria.

 10. Stops Hunger

The ketone bodies found in coconut oil reduce the appetite. It has been proven that those people who consumed coconut oil, ate smaller amount of calories later.


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