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Health Benefits of Bamboo

Bamboo, which belongs to the Bambusoideae subfamily of grass, exists in different varieties namely, Bambousa vulgaris, Bambousa oldhamii, Dendrocalamus latiflorus, Phyllostachys bambusoides and Bambousa arundinacea (Latin). Every part of the plant is useful; the stem is used for building/construction, furniture, paper and musical instruments, the roots and the shoots for medicinal purposes. Bamboo is the known to be one of the fastest growing plants in the world; it is reported to have the ability to grow apically by at least 20cm per day and up to 100cm per day. 

Bamboo Plant
Bamboo shoots are medicinal for different curative treatments; they have good health benefits. However, to harness the health benefits of bamboo shoots, it is highly recommended to boil or soak them in water overnight, drain the water off before cooking as vegetable. This is because some species of bamboo may contain cyanide, which can be eliminated by these processes. Scientifically, it has been proven that bamboo shoots are rich in protein, carbohydrates, minerals and fiber. The leaves have been proven to contain amylase, flavones and chlorophyll, which can be used to treat cancer. 

Other health benefits of bamboo shoots include:
*it strengthens the immune system
*it aids digestion and hence weight loss
*it has anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties, as an analgesic
* it has anti-venom abilities to cure scorpion and snake bites
*after the first treatment (boiling/soaking overnight) that removes the cyanide, boiling  the shoots the second time, leaves a decoction that is effective against most respiratory diseases.

Also, the sap from the stem contains silicon, a trace element which stimulates the production of collagen in bones and connective tissues thus helping in cartilage reconstruction. This further prevents demineralization, an after-effect of osteoarthritis and osteoporosis. It also hastens fracture and back pain healing.  


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