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Coconut tree (Scientifically called Cocos nucifera) is a member of the palm tree family (Arecaceae). The term COCONUT can refer to the whole coconut palm, the seed, or the fruit.
COCONUT can refer to the whole coconut palm, the seed, or the fruit. Every part of the coconut plant is very useful, from the stems and the leaves to the coconut seed itself. The importance of this perennial plant to mankind cannot be overemphasized. Hence, it is referred to as an Evergreen Plant in some cultures.

              What is coconut oil? 

Coconut oil is a fatty oil that comes from the white pulp of the coconut. The oil is said to have many health benefits, including:
aiding digestion, boosting metabolism, reducing seizures & reducing hunger.
Additionally, according to some research, coconut oil has antibacterial & antifungal properties; these properties can make it an effective treatment for yeast and fungal infections.


i. Break the coconut shell and remove the coconut. The number of coconut needed depends on the quantity of oil needed.
ii. Crush, grate or blend the coconut.
iii. Mix the crushed coconut with water. The mixture should be milky.
iv. Sieve and squeeze out the coconut juice. You may add more water to the chaff and squeeze again until you get maximum quantity of juice from the coconut.
v.  Leave the juice in a bowl for about 24hour, say, overnight. You may keep in fridge (not freezer).
vi. After 24hours, the oil should have formed a scum on top of the coconut juice/water.
vii. Use spoon or a flat scraper to skin off the congealed oil from the surface of the juice.
víii. Put the congealed oil in clean pan/pot and heat on fire; fry and stir until the pure oil comes out.
ix. Pour your coconut oil into a clean container leaving the brownish cake behind.
x. You can keep your coconut oil in a bottle.

The saturated fat in coconut oil is made up of seven different types of fatty acids, including caproic, caprylic, capric, lauric, myristic, palmitic, and stearic acid. Of the seven types of acid, lauric acid is the most predominant.
It's unusual ability to cure ailments such as bacteria, Candia and fungal diseases, is due to the presence of Capric, Lauric and caprylic fatty acids which perforate and destroy the cells of these diseases. It can also cause gradual damage to cancer cells. Talking  2-3 spoon of coconut oil daily for 30 days can reduce the growth cancerous cells by 50-70 per cent; this has been proven although it is still researchable. 
