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Water is an essential substance in the body for different purposes. It is the major digestive fluid the body needs for its metabolic processes. Without proper digestion of food, the body stands the risk of different ailments due to indigestion: stomach ache, headache, acute dehydration, general weakness of the body, to mention but a few. It has been scientifically proven that man can live without food for more than ten days but can't survive without water after the same period. Hence the validity of the saying water is life.

There is no part of the body that can perform optimally without water. Apart from the external use of it for cooking, washing and bathing, water plays a vital role in the proper functioning of every part as well as the total well being of the body. Therefore, water is
health; and health is wealth. Water is a natural health insurance against many diseases that can attack the overall health of the body.

However, water performs at its best when it is at room temperature of about 25-34 degrees Celsius or a little warmer. This enhances its flowability and enables it perform lubricative and digestive functions properly. Flow of blood in the veins and capillaries in the body is made easier by the water in the body.  This is why one should drink more of warm water than cold water. Drinking extremely cold water always,  is harmful to the body in the long run. It is like water passing through a narrow pipe. If the water is extremely cold or if it's iced, it will slow down and will not get to the functional parts in time.

 If cold water does not affect you at young age, it will harm you at old age.
* Cold water closes certain veins of the heart and causes heart attack. Cold drinks are  main reason for heart attack.
* It also creates problems in the liver. It makes fat stuck with liver. Most people waiting for liver transplant are victims of cold water drinkiscrewng.
* Cold water affect internal walls of the stomach. It affects the large intestine and results in Cancer.

All these are scientifically proven facts! Please don't keep this information to yourself;
tell someone to tell others, it may save someone's life.


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