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The Wonders of Hot Pineapple Water !
Good news, you may call it. Yes, you are right. The Almighty God is the greatest Scientist of all times, from eternity to eternity; and He has decided to reveal His wealth of wisdom to man for the benefit of humanity. Please spread it ! Spread the good news !!

 Professor Chen Huiren of the Beijing Army General Hospital stressed that if everyone who receives this bulletin can carry ten copies to others, surely at least one life will be saved.
 Hot pineapple water can save you a lifetime, he emphasized. Hot pineapple can kill cancer cells. Cut 2 to 3 pieces of pineapple thinner in a cup, add hot water, it will be "alkaline water"; drink every day, it is good for anyone.

Hot pineapple releases anti-cancer substances, which are the latest advances in effective cancer treatment in medicine. The hot pineapple fruit has the effect of killing cysts and tumors. It is proven to repair all types of cancer. Hot pineapple water can kill all germs and toxins from the body as a result of alergic reactions/allergies. The type of medicine in pineapple extract only destroys violent cells and free radicals, it does not affect healthy cells.
In addition, amino acids and pineapple polyphenols in pineapple juice can regulate high blood pressure, effectively preventing the blockage of inner blood vessels, adjusting blood circulation and reducing blood clots.

After reading, tell others, family, friends and colleagues. Take care of your own health.
Please don't hide this information. Spread it and you will save life.

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